Virginia Chapter Community

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Community Tour video 

07-14-2023 14:14

For a guided tour of the Community, check out the recording of the Community Tour at the link below. Watch this for a comprehensive, step-by-step tour of where to find the Communities, how they work, and how to get the most out of them.
Passcode: WYLC*&24

The "quick hits" version is:

  • The Community is your key to interacting with other members through message boards, direct messaging, file sharing, and a member directory.
  • Make sure you fill out your profile and adjust your settings to your preferences.
  • More Communities will be added in the future-this is only the beginning.
  • Post to your Community and/or respond to someone else's post.
  • Have fun, make connections, be helpful to each other, and practice the "golden rule".
  • Use the Contact Us form near the top right if you would like assistance.

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