FAQ & Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up my profile?

Visit the "My Profile" page and provide only the demographics you wish to share. These demographics will be visible to other community members. Your demographics will be used when other members are searching for people with similar demographics in the Member Directory.

profile Member Directory

How do I find the latest discussions in my community?

The homepage for each community provides navigation to explore the contents of the community as well as the most recent discussion posts, shared files, and a list of current members.

homepage community

Is there a more detailed explanation about the communities?

For a guided tour of the Community, check out the recording of the Community Tour at the link below. Watch this for a comprehensive, step-by-step tour of where to find the Communities, how they work, and how to get the most out of them.

Guided Tour
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See the communities in action with this informative video!

homepage community

Watch Now