Thanks, Angela. Filled the survey. Here is a quick snapshot image of the board from the slides.
-Vishnu, President Elect, WI ASCP Chapter
Vishnu Amaram Samara Simha Subhash Chandra Other
Chicago IL
Original Message:
Sent: 09-03-2024 08:52
From: Cassandra Hartgrave
Subject: WI ASCP Chapter Board Greetings
Thank you to Angela and the rest of the board for all of your hard work!
Cassandra Hartgrave
Fairfax IA
Original Message:
Sent: 08-31-2024 10:53
From: Angela Mack
Subject: WI ASCP Chapter Board Greetings
Hello to the Wisconsin ASCP Chapter!!
The Wisconsin Chapter of ASCP was recently formed. I've included an attachment that introduces the current Board of Directors. I'd like to give a big shout out to the Board and all of the work that has been done to set up the Chapter! We are excited to start planning chapter events.
We look forward to working with our chapter members and learning what you want from the chapter. Please complete this short survey by September 18th:
After the survey results are compiled the plan is to have a virtual meeting in October. We will use this time to introduce the board, review the survey results, and discuss the future.
We look forward to meeting our chapter members and moving forward with activities and events to get to know everyone!
Angela Mack, MLS (ASCP)
WI ASCP Chapter President
Angela Mack Other
Merrimac WI