Virginia Chapter Community

This community is available to ASCP members who have added the ASCP Virginia Chapter to their membership.  Interested in joining this chapter and gaining access to the chapter's community?  Click to learn more!

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Welcome & Recording of the Community Tour

  • 1.  Welcome & Recording of the Community Tour

    Career Ambassador
    Posted 07-13-2023 13:34

    Hello Chapter Members!

    Welcome to your Chapter's Community. The platform is live and ready for you to dive in, so begin posting, sharing, and interacting with each other!

    For a guided tour of the functions, check out the recording of the Community Tour at the link below. Watch this for a comprehensive, step-by-step tour of where to find the Communities, how they work, and how to get the most out of them.
    Passcode: WYLC*&24

    The "quick hits" version is:

    • ·         The Community is your key to interacting with other members through message boards, direct messaging, file sharing, and a member directory.
    • ·         Make sure you fill out your profile and adjust your settings to your preferences.
    • ·         More Communities will be added in the future-this is only the beginning.
    • ·         Post to your Community and/or respond to someone else's post.
    • ·         Have fun, make connections, be helpful to each other, and practice the "golden rule".
    • ·         Use the Contact Us form near the top right if you would like assistance.

    Thank you and enjoy this new member benefit!


    Natalie Sherry, MSIMC, CUDE, IOM
    Senior director, membership
    American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
    Chicago, IL